Gutenberg College


Gutenberg College is a place for students to think carefully about the big questions of life.

Listen to what Dane Miller (Challenge IV Classical Conversations grad) has to say about Gutenberg College.

A student is not a customer. A student is a soul, and a soul is a precious thing.

Gutenberg Students

At Gutenberg College, we believe that faith and wisdom benefit from asking hard questions, not avoiding them.

We also believe this focus on wisdom does not neglect the practical realities of pursuing a career. As students engage deeply with the Great Books, not only do they gain the practical skills of reading, writing, and thinking but they also build character and humility—all of which are in high demand in the workplace.

Gutenberg College

$2000 grants are available annually to all Classical Conversation Students.

Robert Bortins, CEO of Classical Conversations, is on Gutenberg College’s National Advisory Board.

• Classical Conversations students make up over a quarter of the student body at Gutenberg College.

Why continue classical education in college?
Some of the biggest changes in a person’s life happen after high school. But will that change be for the better? At Gutenberg, students learn how to make sense of their faith so that they can live a life that is pleasing to God amidst clamoring voices in a complex culture.
