Counseling Services

Gutenberg College does not have a dedicated counseling office, but tutors are available for consultation with respect to academic, career, and other issues.


Gutenberg provides a Career Development Program designed to help students identify their strengths, skills, and opportunities, as they contemplate post-college life. The student services director organizes various talks and panels on a regular basis. Students can also arrange to meet with a tutor to talk about career issues. (See also Career and Calling.)

Continuing Education

Tutors serve as advisors concerning education after Gutenberg, including graduate school, law school, etc. They also periodically arrange for panels of people who have successfully completed advanced degrees, particularly alumni, to answer questions. (See also Career and Calling.)


Tutors, the student services director, and the Residence Program manager(s) are available to help students with personal issues; they can provide lists of local resources to students who need help or services Gutenberg College cannot provide.


Tutors are always ready to come alongside students to help them make choices about how to express and pursue their faith. Tutors, staff, and other students who are familiar with churches (of various worship styles) within and outside the Eugene area are a valuable resource for new Gutenberg students looking for a church to attend while they are at the College.

Peer Counseling

When any Gutenberg College student interacts with other students and receives advice or support for personal concerns, Gutenberg College makes no representation as to the maturity, wisdom, or judgment of any student in the school. Students are responsible for their own life decisions.

Legal Counseling

Gutenberg students who have experienced any form of sexual assault can obtain free legal services from Student Survivor Legal Services at the UO School of Law. Go to

Health Services

Gutenberg College does not provide health facilities, medical services, or psychological counseling to its students as a part of its program. Students in need of medical services may contact whomever they choose to provide those services. When requested, the student services director will provide a list of medical service providers available in the local area and assist students in locating their desired medical service.

Gutenberg College faculty and staff members are encouraged to suggest two or more names of physicians or counselors to any students who express a need for these services.

Referral lists are made available to entering freshmen during Freshman Orientation, and they are available at any time in the college office. Inclusion on the referral lists does not indicate Gutenberg College endorses these services. Students are responsible for their own medical and psychological care.

Health Insurance

Gutenberg College does not offer health insurance to students. Most students, however, are covered by their parents’ health insurance as long as they attend school full time. Students should check with their parents’ agent for complete details. Gutenberg’s curriculum is full time; if a student needs documentation for insurance, he should request it at the Gutenberg office.

Required Health Information

Students must complete a Health History form before matriculating into Gutenberg College. They must also submit a Certification of Measles Immunization form or sign a religious or medial exemption before attending their first class in order to comply with Oregon State law that requires all college students in the state of Oregon either to be immunized for measles or to sign a religious or medial exemption.

At the beginning of each quarter, students shall review and/or provide emergency contact information on their Gutenberg College Student Registration form. New students complete the registration during Freshman Orientation. All other students are required to complete and return their forms to the office during the first week of classes.