Becoming Sinners
Explores how self-satisfaction and self-righteous religiosity impede understanding and accepting the truth of our sinfulness.
Explores how self-satisfaction and self-righteous religiosity impede understanding and accepting the truth of our sinfulness.
Repudiates the thesis of inherent New Testament anti-Semitism by examining the unique relationship between God, the Nation of Israel, and individual Jews.
An excerpt from The Most Real Being that explains how divine determinism is the only human hope of glorification, while limited determinism provides mere "groundless optimism" or empty despair.
Discusses the importance of knowing God's merciful grace and believing in His promise of forgiveness while acknowledging "true guilt."
Examines Rick Warren's popular book, The Purpose-Driven Life.
Explores the connection between our fears and our faith.
Explores the nature of true worship.
Looks at the importance of gratitude.
Contemplates how "slowing down"--physically and spiritually--enables us to learn about the goodness and sovereignty of God through truly knowing our fear, pain, discomfort, and need for mercy.
Shows how a legalism contradicts the basic tenants of biblical Christianity.
Reports Gutenberg College's progress and describes what makes it unique.
Shows how "virtue" suffers in two book-to-movie stories.
Explores the concept of "church."
Explores the essence of Phariseeism and how it manifests itself today.
Discusses the nature of fine art and the challenges for the Christian artist.
Discusses how honest communication about life's struggles is part of a Christian's sanctification.
Gives a historical perspective on the concept of academic freedom and shows how it manifests itself at Gutenberg College.
Looks at the impact of Christian fundamentalism on how we understand and apply the Bible's teaching.
Discusses how a Christian can relate to culture without compromising himself.
Discusses the biblical virtue of patience.