Sharper Than Any Sword
(Hebrews 4:12-13) Explains how the proclamation of the gospel lays bare the hidden person of the heart.
(Hebrews 4:12-13) Explains how the proclamation of the gospel lays bare the hidden person of the heart.
(Revelation) Sheds light on the nature of the Bible's most enigmatic book.
(I Thessalonians 4:9-12) Explores Paul's teaching about "working with your hands" and its implications for Christian fundraising.
(Galatians 5) Discusses the concept of 'woo we' in Taoism and the striking parallels between it and the Evangelical understanding of "walking by the Spirit."
(I Corinthians 12, 13) Presents I Corinthians 12 and 13 as the ultimate answer to a believer's "mid-life crisis."
(Romans 5:1-11) Uses Romans 5 to describe and clarify the enigmatic love of God.
Holds up the great prayers of Paul as a mirror in which to examine our fundamental commitments.
(John 20:24-29) Portrays "doubting Thomas" as a model for truth-seeking and a lesson in the miracle of faith.
(Luke 14:26-33) Proposes that we OUGHT to be like the man who doesn't build a tower and the king who doesn't go to battle.
(Luke 18:10-14) Uses the parable of the tax-gatherer and the Pharisee to define true bigotry.
(Matthew 4:5-7) Looks at the prohibition against "testing God" found in the second temptation of Jesus.
(Matthew 25:1-13) Explains the parable as a call to a deep and persevering desire for the kingdom of God.
(Matthew 25:14-30) Asserts that "orthodoxy" can be a way of burying one's talent in the ground.
(Matthew 13) Presents the dynamic manner in which the parables of Jesus communicate.
(Luke 12:1-5) Explains what Jesus meant by "the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy."
(Ecclesiastes) Explores the dark, realistic vision of life found in Ecclesiastics.
(Psalm 23) Explains the life and death issues involved in Psalm 23.
(Deuteronomy 8:1-10) Illustrates the place of suffering in the Christian life through the story of the manna in the wilderness.
(Exodus) Draws the analogy between how God dealt with Israel in the exodus and how He deals with us today.
(Exodus 20:4-6) Highlights the transcendent nature of God taught by the commandment against "graven images."