Dr. Eliot Grasso will lead a six-session online seminar on Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy for Great Hearts America June 3-14, 2024.
Seminar Description
Imagine that you are imprisoned on trumped up charges awaiting execution. You reflect on your unfortunate situation and ask yourself “Why do the wicked prosper? Why do the virtuous suffer pains and injustices? What is truly good? What is the meaning of life?” This is where the 6th-century Roman philosopher Boethius (AD c. 480-524) was when he penned The Consolation of Philosophy. Boethius’s timeless work has been read consistently for centuries giving voice and insight to some of humanity’s most complex questions about fate, fortune, truth, and virtue. In this seminar, we will interact with Boethius’s work to see how one of Western Civilization’s greatest minds responded to these looming questions.