Events for June 30, 2022 - December 1, 2020

Community Class: “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” Jordan B. Peterson

Gutenberg College 1883 University Street, Eugene, OR, United States

Dr. Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist and professor, has studied the moral problems arising from the uncertainty and chaos generated by totalitarian regimes and weapon technologies that developed in the twentieth century. In 12 Rules for Life, Peterson puts forward a practical set of guidelines, along with some nuance and context, that he hopes will [...]


Community Class: “Was E-mail a Mistake?” by Cal Newport

Gutenberg College 1883 University Street, Eugene, OR, United States

This critique of email (asynchronous communication) comes not from Luddites but from cutting edge computer scientists and mathematicians. It appears there is a place for synchronous communications. Charley Dewberry is a tutor and the dean at Gutenberg College, a practicing scientist and stream ecologist, and the author of Saving Science: A Critique of Science and [...]


Community Class: The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile

Gutenberg College 1883 University Street, Eugene, OR, United States

The Enneagram has become one of the most popular “personality assessments” ever, especially in Christian circles. In this Community Class, Nancy Scott will use this book to discuss what the Enneagram is, what it is not, and how we can think critically about our culture’s fascination with it. Nancy Scott, is a marriage and family [...]


Community Class: The Overstory by Richard Powers

Gutenberg College 1883 University Street, Eugene, OR, United States

Winner of the 2019 Pulitzer Prize in Fiction and a New York Times bestseller ever since, Richard Powers's The Overstory is one of those rare novels that achieve both critical and commercial success. In this Community Class, Chris Alderman will consider the following questions: What kinds of topics tend to capture people's imaginations these days, [...]


Community Class: The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets by Thomas Philippon

Gutenberg College 1883 University Street, Eugene, OR, United States

Why do cell phones cost more in the U.S. than in Europe? In his new book (October 2019), Thomas Philippon discusses the economics of free markets. He explains how markets work and, in the context of the cell phone industry, discusses a number of factors that influence their freedom. He concludes that free markets are [...]


Preview Day (Virtual)

In keeping with precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the May 29 Spring Preview Day will be held virtually on Zoom. On Preview Day, you will meet tutors who have devoted their lives to learning and helping others learn, discuss works by great thinkers, fellowship with a community of caring people who work together [...]


Young Philosophers:
A Gutenberg College Summer Experience

"Life has never been normal," wrote C. S. Lewis in an address to students at the outset of World War II. If we are waiting for a better time to pursue truth, goodness, and beauty, we may never set foot out the door. The work of the philosopher is to seek the truth regardless [...]


Summer Institute 2020:
Struggle & Hope

Gutenberg College 1883 University Street, Eugene, OR, United States

"In the world you have trouble, but take courage; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Life is hard. Most literature and art produced by human beings over the centuries is about suffering, troubles, and struggle. We all experience such troubles in our own lives. And of course, this is one of the major [...]

Fall Preview Day (Virtual)

On October 23, Gutenberg will open its "virtual" doors to high school students and transfer students who are considering Gutenberg’s bachelor’s degree program in liberal arts. On Preview Day, you will meet tutors who have devoted their lives to learning and helping others learn, discuss works by the greatest thinkers the world has ever [...]
