Gutenberg College is Distinctive

American colleges and universities promise students a version of the “good life,” but increasingly fail to deliver. At the heart of that failure is their abandonment of the art of living well. Gutenberg College offers a rare alternative, an education that cultivates students’ hearts, minds, and souls within a biblical framework. Gutenberg equips students to seek truth while engaging the surrounding culture as well as serving well vocationally. When you give, you help make it possible for tutors to invest in students to equip them to seek what it means to live well. Your financial partnership helps us all to explore together God’s purposes in a complex world. Thank you!

Financial Independence

We at Gutenberg College treasure our freedom to pursue our mission. We are not financially beholden to any denomination or religious organization. Beyond that, we strive to stay clear—as much as possible—from the influence that governmental entities exert through funding. While we do comply with all applicable laws, we do not accept any state or federal funds. Gutenberg College is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c) (3)-organization.

Special Programs

Friends of Gutenberg

Friends of Gutenberg is a monthly giving program that provides the cornerstone of support to the college and our students.

While Gutenberg is supported in many ways, including volunteer time, prayers, and bi-annual campaigns, there is a growing community of people who have made a commitment to give financially on a monthly basis. Theses are the Friends of Gutenberg.

Friends of Gutenberg participate more fully with us in the life of the college. We offer updates on our activities, special invitations and discounts to our conferences and events, and online learning opportunities. You’ll receive special content such as archived recordings, articles, and art.

We are extremely grateful for Friends like you who recognize the value of the Gutenberg mission to both students and the public at large. We look forward to joining with you as we deepen our understanding of our faith and the Bible in the context of our modern culture.

We invite you to become a Friend of Gutenberg today! Here’s how:

  1. Contact development director David Snider, and he can provide more information to get you started. Or,
  2. Simply follow the steps below to set up a monthly donation through our online form.
    • Click the “Give” button below.
    • On the donation form, choose Monthly Giving at the top.
    • In the Special Programs drop-down menu, select Friends of Gutenberg.
    • Enter your payment information.

After joining, you will receive a welcome pack!

At Gutenberg College, we have semi-annual fundraising campaigns:

Board Matching Campaign
Each summer our dedicated board of governors generously pledges a matching gift.  The funds raised from this effort go directly into financial aid that helps our students stay focused on their learning. This support offers great encouragement as we start each new school year.  As an example, in 2024 our board pledged $15,200. Donors more than met the goal, giving $19,200, for a total of $34,400.

Board Matching Campaign 2024

Giving Tuesday & Year End Campaign
This campaign launches on Giving Tuesday, and gifts are received until December 31. This is a season of giving for so many worthy causes, so we are always grateful that supporters choose to invest in students on their journey of a classically-based, liberal arts education that equips them to live well and serve well.

Giving Tuesday 2023

Gutenberg College offers two special scholarships to existing students as reward and encouragement to their ongoing education. Both scholarships honor and remember former faculty. To donate to one of these scholarships click on the give button above and select the scholarship from the Special Programs drop-down menu.

The David W. Crabtree Scholarship
David CrabtreeThe $1000 David W. Crabtree scholarship is given to an established Gutenberg student who exhibits those qualities that exemplify the kind of student for whom Gutenberg was designed. For this scholarship, academic performance is a consideration, but Gutenberg is about more than academics. Diligence is also an important ingredient, but Gutenberg is about more than diligence. This scholarship goes to that student whom the tutors deem to have taken the content of the curriculum most profoundly to heart. Such a student takes seriously the issues raised, thinks about them, and allows the truth to change the way he or she thinks about life and how to live. Gifts to this scholarship fund will support worthy students in the years to come.

The Ron Julian Memorial Scholarship
Ron JulianRon Julian profoundly impacted the lives of many people and left an indelible mark on Gutenberg College. To remember and honor Ron’s love and devotion to students of all types, Gutenberg College, through gifts from several anonymous donors, has set up a Ron Julian Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1000 to be given each year to one or more students from the junior or senior class. The student will also receive a complimentary copy of Ron’s book, Righteous Sinners.

Ron had many interests, but throughout his life, his passion was to read, understand, and teach others about the Bible and, through that process, to help lay a biblical foundation on which students could build their lives. Furthermore, in his teaching and interactions, Ron was exceptionally patient, charitable, non-coercive, and still unapologetic in his conclusions.

Therefore, in memory of Ron, a group of Gutenberg College faculty will select one or more students (depending on availability of funds) each spring from the sophomore or junior class who best exemplifies Ron’s passion, character, and desire to pursue biblical truth. The scholarship will be awarded to the selected student or students in the following academic year.

Gutenberg College operates within an historic Jacobean building designed in 1927 by architects Lawrence, Holford, Allyn and Bean. It represents nearly a century of good friends and good memories. The quaint charm and classic style of the building holds a place in the hearts of so many who have passed through its doors. The building—both old and beautiful—needs extra special care and refurbishment in many areas.

Thanks to your generous support and many volunteer hours, we have completed a number of major projects in the last few years. The wood floors and walls were restored in our third-floor loft, the kitchen floor and cabinets were refurbished, the men’s showers were replaced and improved, the aging water heater was replaced, the windows have been re-sealed, and the entryway wood floors and carpets were refinished and replaced.

You can help us with our building in two ways:

  • Come join our quarterly house work day. (Contact the office for dates.) Community members, staff, and students gather on a Saturday morning and accomplish a great deal of interior improvements, deep cleaning, and landscaping.
  • Or, you can donate to house projects by selecting Campus Stewardship from the Special Programs drop-down menu on the donation form.

Our deep gratitude goes to a donor who blessed us in the Fall of 2023 with an unprecedented $500,000 gift.