Skilled Reading and the Art of Interpretation
Discusses the skill of reading well as it relates to learning to interpret well.
Discusses the skill of reading well as it relates to learning to interpret well.
Focuses on the Parable of the Prodigal Son to discuss two common difficulties interpreters face when interpreting the parables.
Examines Matthew 21:18-20 to discover why Jesus cursed the fig tree.
Eulogizes Ron Julian and describes his teaching of John 8:58.
Emphasizes the importance of the Apostle John's witness to the truth of Jesus' death and resurrection.
Discusses the last of Jesus' "Kingdom Parables" in Matthew 13.
Discusses Solomon’s wisdom in relation to his life and choices.
Explains the importance of Matthew’s beginning his Gospel with a genealogy.
Discusses what Jesus meant in Matthew 7:6 when he said, “Do not throw your pearls before the swine.”
Explores what Jesus means in the Beatitudes when he says, “Blessed are the pure in heart.”
Discusses “forbearing” with one another as taught in Philippians 4:4-7.
Explores the meaning of the phrase “do not lead us into temptation” in Matthew 6.
Explains Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:48.
Elucidates the meaning of “Rachel weeping” in Jeremiah 31:15.
Describes the first coming of Jesus and the account of Jesus and Mary at Cana to exhort us to be ready for Jesus' second coming.
Discusses the value of the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures) in relation to the Masoretic text (Hebrew).
Discusses what Jesus considered the greatest sign of his messiahship.
Comments on the relationship between Jews and Gentiles by telling the story of a gentile woman who asks Jesus to heal her daughter.
Finds encouragement in John the Baptist's questioning whether Jesus is the Messiah.
Tells the Christmas story as the Bible, rather than traditional Christianity, presents it.