An Algebra Apology: Or what has algebra got to do with anything anyway?
Explains why studying Algebra remains an important thing to do.
Explains why studying Algebra remains an important thing to do.
Discusses the nature of education by using a fictional conversation between friends.
Describes the upheaval in higher education and speculates on its future.
Addresses the question of how Gutenberg graduates take Gutenberg into their futures lives.
Reflects on the education received at Gutenberg College and the impact on the author’s life.
Describes the author’s own experience to support the position that studying the liberal arts helps one to understand oneself.
Describes a Gutenberg education from a student's perspective.
Describes the educational experience at Gutenberg College.
Reflects on the journey of four years at Gutenberg College and speculates on the futures of the graduating class of 2010.
Explains why a Gutenberg liberal arts education is a good choice for students interested in science.
Explains the significance of a Gutenberg education.
Makes a case for the importance of teaching liberal arts, both for students and our culture.
Addresses the 2010 Gutenberg College graduating class.
Describes one student's experience at Gutenberg College to explain what education at Gutenberg is like.
Addresses the 2009 Gutenberg graduates on the subject of faith and the contexts in which it is made manifest.
Describes the education students receive at Gutenberg College and how it differs from most other colleges.
Addresses the 2008 Gutenberg College graduating class.
Describes the state of Gutenberg College in October 2007 and reaffirms the faculty's reliance on God.
Describes the beginnings of Gutenberg College and addresses the future of the college (from October 2005).
Comments on the college experience and Christian faith.