J.R.R. Tolkien’s Silmarillion starts with a breathtaking introduction in which the world is created through song. The “Ainulindalë” and the “Valaquenta” preface and set the stage for the many tragic stories that follow. Within these two stories, Tolkien presents a theology of creation that informs all of his work. Join other young philosophers as we discuss Tolkien’s magnificent mythology. Please read (or if you are like me, reread) these short works in preparation for the discussion.
Young Philosophers is an online discussion for high-school-aged students. Join us for “Theology in Tolkien’s Silmarillion” on Thursday, December 7, from 4-6 p.m. Pacific time. The discussion will be led by Gutenberg tutor Chris Swanson. Participants should read “Ainulindalë” and “Valaquenta” from The Silmarillion before class.
Attendee Requirements: High-school age
Maximum Attendees: 12

Chris Swanson has been a tutor at Gutenberg since 1994, and in 2016, he became president of the college. He has a B.S. in physics and math and both an M.S. and Ph.D. in physics. He has also done post-doctoral research at the University of Oregon and taught at Westmont College in California.