Summer Institute 2019: Tribes and Truth

Gutenberg College 1883 University Street, Eugene, OR, United States

We’ve all witnessed how incivility and disparagement are increasingly dominant in public discourse. Whether it be news, social media, or personal conversations, the rhetoric is ratcheting up. This summer Gutenberg would like to explore why this is happening and how a Christian might respond. We will not try to convince you of a particular political [...]

$45 – $130

Summer Institute 2020:
Struggle & Hope

Gutenberg College 1883 University Street, Eugene, OR, United States

"In the world you have trouble, but take courage; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Life is hard. Most literature and art produced by human beings over the centuries is about suffering, troubles, and struggle. We all experience such troubles in our own lives. And of course, this is one of the major [...]

Summer Institute 2021:
The Meaning of the City:
Rebellion and Redemption
July 29-31

Gutenberg College 1883 University Street, Eugene, OR, United States

They said, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name.” (Genesis 11:4) For many of us, the city is the water we swim in: having grown up and lived our lives in an urban environment, we take [...]

Summer Institute 2022:
Stories of Conversion
July 28-30

Gutenberg College 1883 University Street, Eugene, OR, United States

Since its beginning, a prominent aspect of Christianity has been the conversion narrative. Sometimes dramatic, sometimes mundane, these accounts tell the stories of how particular individuals committed their lives to Christ. For the 2022 Summer Institute, we will read several of these accounts from throughout history, and we will think about how these stories of [...]

2023 Summer Institute: God Is Alive

Gutenberg College 1883 University Street, Eugene, OR, United States

Over a century ago, Friedrich Nietzsche famously declared that God is dead. He observed that Western culture no longer accepted the idea of God, and he noted that its values and practices would eventually reflect this. We now live in a world that conforms in many ways to his prediction. But as Christians we know—even [...]