The Generation Gap: Then & Now
Looks at the "generation gap" from both sides of the divide.
Looks at the "generation gap" from both sides of the divide.
Reflects on the process of conversion.
Reflects on lessons about life and God.
Observes people's need for one another in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Explores how a modern television show raises and answers questions about the meaning of life and death.
Looks at the biblical evidence for the nature of joy as a fruit of the Spirit.
Compares biblical faith to the common myth of "magical" faith.
Explores the question, "Why would a Christian care to read non-Christian and even anti-Christian thinkers?"
Discusses how Christians should hold their beliefs in a culture "allergic" to truth.
Looks at God and suffering in the light of Hurricane Katrina.
Explores our culture's and the Bible's view of the soul.
Explores why Jesus taught through parables and stories.
Looks at the philosophical assumptions behind the scientific community's view of intelligent design.
Discusses the human desire to conform to worldly standards and how that desire relates to trusting God.
Compares modern Christianity and ancient pagan idolatry.
Reflects on how the behavior of Christians often contributes to a negative view of Christianity.
Reflects on the reconciliation of human losses, pain, and suffering with the mercy and goodness of God.
Reports on the accomplishment of a significant milestone in the history of Gutenberg College and offers thanks to supporters.
Compares the destructive influence of "false" guilt with the faith-maturing and conscience-building experience of "true" guilt that God, in His grace, gives us.
Examines the meaning of the resurrection of Christ as reflected in the role of Satan in human sin and God's purposes in history.