Living in the Past
Tells why we should not "forget what lies behind."
Tells why we should not "forget what lies behind."
Explores the need for understanding and taking responsibility for our own feelings.
Describes the relationship between Gutenberg College and the MSC and Art Project ministries.
Discusses how parents can protect their children against cultural seduction.
Explains the goals in founding Gutenberg College.
Examines the popular book "The Prayer of Jabez."
Uses the example of the returned Jewish exiles to describe what makes a ministry faithful.
Considers human regrets in the light of the sovereignty of God.
Explains how love of the church and criticism of the church can and must go together.
Asks whether the spiritual darkness of our generation indicates that the "time of the Gentiles" is over.
(I Corinthians 3:18) Defines the "glory" that is the hope of every believer.
(Luke 10:38-42) Explores Jesus' puzzling interaction with Mary and Martha.
(Luke 10:25-37) Unpacks the story of the Good Samaritan and the interaction which leads to it.
(Luke 10:30-35) Discusses the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Reconsiders the 1960s generation as an unlikely role-model.
Examines the problem of knowing the truth about our leaders in a media culture.
Explores the challenges and opportunities of living in a particular culture.
Assessed the real dangers of the Y2K problem.
Discusses the nature of history and the proneness to revisionism in the writing of history.
Describes the shift of our government from protector to social engineer.