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Late application deadline is August 1.

If you see yourself as someone who is intellectually curious, willing to work hard to understand complex works, excited about the liberal arts, interested in collaborative learning through discussion, and desirous to build a worldview oriented toward goodness, then Gutenberg College is an ideal choice. Apply to attend Gutenberg College in Fall 2024. The [...]

Great Books Symposium
Beowulf: What does it mean to be a hero?

Online Zoom OR

In Medieval Scandinavia, where monsters and dragons roamed the wilds, we find the great Beowulf. Through acts of cunning, bravery, and brute strength, Beowulf responds to many difficult circumstances. What is it that makes a hero? Is it what one accomplishes? What one becomes? What one intends? In this webinar, we will raise this [...]


2024 Education Conference: The Independent Mind

Young children are sponges. They absorb everything: language, ideas, and customs. As they mature, they continue to absorb, but they also gain the capacity to judge new information. They are becoming independent. Maturity and independence do not come easily or quickly, however; they are the products of a lifelong search for truth in humility before [...]

Great Books Symposium
Homer’s Iliad

Achilles storms off in a huff: Agamemnon has deprived him of his war prize. The ensuing tensions and conflicts of Homer's Iliad are wrapped up in the question of how conflict impacts the way we think about what is ultimately valuable. How did the Greeks think about what was valuable and what does the Iliad have [...]

October 14: Julius Caesar

Online Zoom Oregon (PST)

Once Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon and took the city of Rome, he was on top of the world--for a time. But his monarchical approach to leadership made the Senate increasingly uncomfortable and led ultimately to his bloody demise on the Senate floor. In this Great Books Symposium, we will discuss Shakespeare's history play [...]


2024 Fall Preview Days
October 18 & 19

Gutenberg College is a place for students who want to think deeply, learn in community, and grow in faith and character. At Preview Days, Gutenberg opens its doors to high school students and transfer students who are considering Gutenberg’s bachelor’s degree program in liberal arts. Please join us for Fall Preview Days. Learn More [...]


December 2:
Plato’s Crito

Online Zoom OR

Socrates is in prison waiting for his death sentence to be carried out. His friend, Crito, hatches a plan to help him escape, but Socrates hesitates. The question we will investigate in the Great Book Symposium is this: Why? A webinar for K-12 teachers in the private school, the public school, and the [...]


January 6:
Mere Christianity

C. S. Lewis endeavored to explain the essence of Christianity to a general audience through a series of radio broadcasts, an endeavor which resulted in Mere Christianity. Though Lewis discusses questions and issues familiar to most Christians, he appeals frequently to every person’s common experience–rather than theological proofs–to explain the faith. Together, we will [...]


2025 Winter Institute:
Hope Amidst the Odyssey of These Days

Gutenberg College 1883 University Street, Eugene, OR, United States

At various times throughout the Old Testament, God abandoned the Israelites as a result of their sinfulness and idolatry. In their suffering and despair, their only hope was to cry out to God for salvation, and He, in His mercy, would rescue them. In a penetrating analysis of these days, Jacques Ellul concludes that [...]

February 3:
Shakespeare’s Henry V

Online Zoom OR

King Henry V of England has a sketchy past but is preparing to take on the mantle of kingship to rule over all of England and has his eye on France. Does he become a model leader or does he, like so many figures, succumb to the temptations of power and prestige? In this [...]
