Events for October 14 - October 16, 2023 › Great Books Symposium

Great Books Symposium
Beowulf: What does it mean to be a hero?

Online Zoom OR

In Medieval Scandinavia, where monsters and dragons roamed the wilds, we find the great Beowulf. Through acts of cunning, bravery, and brute strength, Beowulf responds to many difficult circumstances. What is it that makes a hero? Is it what one accomplishes? What one becomes? What one intends? In this webinar, we will raise this [...]


Great Books Symposium
Homer’s Iliad

Achilles storms off in a huff: Agamemnon has deprived him of his war prize. The ensuing tensions and conflicts of Homer's Iliad are wrapped up in the question of how conflict impacts the way we think about what is ultimately valuable. How did the Greeks think about what was valuable and what does the Iliad have [...]

October 14: Julius Caesar

Online Zoom Oregon (PST)

Once Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon and took the city of Rome, he was on top of the world--for a time. But his monarchical approach to leadership made the Senate increasingly uncomfortable and led ultimately to his bloody demise on the Senate floor. In this Great Books Symposium, we will discuss Shakespeare's history play [...]
