A Meaningful Life
Explains how Christian faith makes a meaningful life possible.
Explains how Christian faith makes a meaningful life possible.
Examines various options for thinking about material things.
Examines some scientific theories in the light of common sense.
Discusses the role of the Romantics in intellectual history.
Defends the Bible as the “Word of God.”
Explains the importance of Matthew’s beginning his Gospel with a genealogy.
Argues that our culture over emphasizes individual freedom and self-expression.
Discusses the importance of the Great Books for teaching us about human heritage, diversity, and respectful conflict.
Discusses what Jesus meant in Matthew 7:6 when he said, “Do not throw your pearls before the swine.”
Argues that science plays the same role in our society as the sacred has played in the past.
Explores what Jesus means in the Beatitudes when he says, “Blessed are the pure in heart.”
Purposes that the objective of understanding secular texts in Gutenberg’s curriculum is to cultivate confidence and humility.
Looks at a historical argument against miracles to explore some non-analytical factors that direct people’s thinking about miracles.
Discusses “forbearing” with one another as taught in Philippians 4:4-7.
Addresses students to argue that the “stress” of assignments promotes growth.
Gives one alumni’s answer to the question of why a student should value a Gutenberg education.
Compares the ancient Greek and modern American views on personal freedom.
Explores the meaning of the phrase “do not lead us into temptation” in Matthew 6.
Explains Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:48.
Expresses David Crabtree’s thanks as he leaves Gutenberg after twenty-two years as its president.