“Oppressors in Their Turn”: The French Revolution and the English Romantics

Online Zoom Oregon (PST)

On March 31, Chris Alderman will give the sixth talk in the series "The Gutenberg Dialogues: An In-depth Look at Tyranny." Chris Alderman is a tutor at Gutenberg College, where he teaches writing, Greek, and German. Chris has self-published two collections of poetry, Poems in Verse and Ephemerides.   Registration is required to attend this class. [...]

Tyranny of the Majority and Other Dangers: deTocqueville and Mill

Online Zoom Oregon (PST)

On April 14, Naomi Rinehold will give the seventh talk in the series "The Gutenberg Dialogues: An In-depth Look at Tyranny." Half a century after the publication of the Federalist Papers and the subsequent ratification of the U.S. Constitution, Alexis de Tocqueville, a young French aristocrat, took an academic tour of the new country. In [...]

How Totalitarianism Unites: Hannah Arendt and the Politics of the Twentieth Century

Online Zoom Oregon (PST)

On April 28, Walter Steeb will give the eighth talk in the series "The Gutenberg Dialogues: An In-depth Look at Tyranny." Does it matter how we understand totalitarianism? Hannah Arendt describes it in a memorable way as "the belief that everything is permitted and, much more terrible, that everything is possible." Her analysis shows [...]

Economic Control and Totalitarianism: A Conversation with Hayek

Online Zoom Oregon (PST)

On May 12, Chris Swanson will give the ninth talk in the series "The Gutenberg Dialogues: An In-depth Look at Tyranny." During the 1930s, economist Friedrich Hayek recognized an increasing desire among Britons for centralized control of the economy. The undeniable economic growth of Germany and the Soviet Union seemed to prove that the [...]

Solutions and Illusions

On May 4, Chris Swanson will give the twelfth talk in the series "It’s Complicated: The Histories Behind What We Think We Know." When a populous and complex society has problems, they are always big ones that need big solutions. But who is going to provide these big solutions? Private enterprise? (Should we trust [...]

Understanding Group Think and Selfhood with the Help of Hoffer and Orwell

On May 18, Colin Stetter will give the thirteenth talk in the series "It’s Complicated: The Histories Behind What We Think We Know." The past 100 years has seen the rise of a variety of mass movements, promoting just as varied motives and goals. This class will explore Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer in [...]

The Legacy of Constantine

On June 1, Alexander Titus will give the fourteenth talk in the series "It’s Complicated: The Histories Behind What We Think We Know." Celebrated as a hero by some and maligned as a villain by others, Flavius Valerius Constantinus, often regarded as the "first Christian emperor," represented a major shift in the history of [...]

Understanding Group Think and Selfhood with the Help of Hoffer and Orwell

On May 18, Colin Stetter will give the thirteenth talk in the series "It’s Complicated: The Histories Behind What We Think We Know?" The past 100 years has seen the rise of a variety of mass movements, promoting just as varied motives and goals. This class will explore Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer in an [...]

How Totalitarianism Unites: Hannah Arendt and the Politics of the Twentieth Century.

The eighth talk in the series "Gutenberg Dialogues:  An In-depth Look at Tyranny" Teacher: Walter Steeb Walter Steeb graduated from Gutenberg in 2009 and is now the college's operations officer. He has an M.A. in Philosophy of Theology from Northwest Christian University where he wrote his thesis on French philosopher Paul Ricoeur. He and [...]